Monday, March 9, 2009

From Resistance to Acceptance

The single most powerful way to get out of your own way is through acceptance. I did not say agreement. Nor did I say be a doormat. And I"m not talking about think and be positive and somehow you will magically get what you desire. No, I'm simply talking about the act of acceptance.

Take the weather in Northern Michigan. Yesterday it was in the mid 40's, the snow was almost gone, grass was showing for pity sake! We saw the first snowflake while on a walk at around 5:00. By 8:00 there was 6 inches of snow on the ground and by morning 15 inches. You would have thought the sky had fallen. The groaning about the weather, would this winter ever end? and oh my blah, blah, blah. And this was just the weather people. Hello? this is Northern Michigan where you can have snow one day and a tornado the next. It has always been like this. It will always be like this.

So what happens when resistance (I hate Michigan weather, it depresses me, I can't go anywhere, it's so cold, I can't work out. . . ) shifts to acceptance (Oh look, it's a typical March where one day has no resemblance to the next.) Let's play it out. With resistance, you get stress, frustration, even anger and for sure, stuck. With acceptance you get choice. Acceptance invites no negative energy. In fact, it clears the way for positive action. "Shoveling the snow will be my workout today and while I'm at it, I think a snow angel is in order, or maybe snowballs thrown for the dog to chase. He makes me laugh when he can't figure out where it went." Acceptance opens the door to new perspectives. Like seeing this snow as the first snowfall of the season, which by the way is exactly what it looks like. Soft, clean, and frankly very pretty against the clear blue sky.

Try this the next time you get caught in resistance for anything. Notice the resistance. Feel it for a minute or two. Notice how tight you feel, like someone placed a band around your forehead or has forced your jaws to stick together. Maybe your heart is pounding or you are feeling agitated like you've had a bit too much caffeine.

Ask yourself: Do I have any control in this situation? If the answer is no then acceptance is your only choice. So you can say, "This is out of my control." In a calm, non-blaming way. Or you can just say. "Okay." Say it out loud a few times if you must until the tension and agitation begin to subside. Okay is simply acknowledgment. Not agreement. Again, once you accept you can take positive action. With resistance all you get is stuck and messiness.

Oh, by the way. All stress is caused by resisting the present moment. More about that next time!


  1. You'll be glad to hear that I woke up and thought how pretty it looked! Then I waited until after lunch and went for a walk while it all melted around me. A good middle road, right?!?! ;-)

  2. Thanks for this shift in focus, Nancy.

    I find myself automatically resisting many things in my life. Then, when I pull the cover back and get real with myself, I realize that through acceptance there is peace.

  3. Great Article Nancy. If this means I should get out of bed and face this rainy cold day, then I'm going to lay here and think about that for awhile.
