Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why is advice so easy to give and difficult to accept?

Especially when that advice comes from myself? Advice is my gift. I can't recall a time when it wasn't simple for me to assess a situation and blurt out some sage advice. I can remember in my 20's a wise older woman with a psychology degree (my boss at the time) asking "How did you get so wise?" I remember thinking "Huh? What is she talking about?" Most of the time the advice I give works. When solicited, of course.

Until I'm working with me. What is up with that? I know what I need to do. What do I do instead? ANYTHING else! I think I should do what? Nah, I'd rather get in my own way, sabotage any chance of success and stand defiant when I make no progress. It's as if there is a small part of me that believes it has to be hard. Messy. Challenging. Dramatic!

Take this blog for example. It's been a goal for at least 4 months. Here's how I became stuck.

1. Make a decision to start a blog (how hard can it be?)
2. Begin process of resistance (fantasize about overnight success, get overwhelmed, avoid)
3. Chastise self for procrastinating (pick up virtual club, beat on virtual head)
4. After extended period, get fed up, just do it. (wonder why it took so long)

Imagine the stress that could have been avoided if step 2 and 3 were skipped!

Next time, I'll ask a few helpful questions like I would with anyone else:

What small steps can you take today to get started?
How much time will it take?
When will it be done?
Are you willing to do it?
What will you do to disrupt the sabotage cycle when it begins?
Repeat until complete.

Whew! Does anybody else do this to themselves?


  1. WOW! Once you make a decision you go for it. Good job putting down that club. Now if I can just get to my Blog ~ Wishing you that overnight success.

  2. Ta Da! I am doing (virtual) back flips in your honor!

    You and I have the fortunate opportunity to support each other when we are in this sticky "mess".

    It is through our honest and candid conversations about getting in our own way that has allowed me to be much more compassionate with myself when I am in the thick of it.

    I now accept it as part of my process; I have faith that it is only temporary; and, I trust that there is a greater version of "me" waiting on the other side.

    Now, if I can just be that clear when I am in it! Eh?

  3. Nancy, I think you are going to find that keeping this up is easier than you think. This is a great way to track your thoughts and ideas and share them with those of us who will be checking DAILY for an update. You have a lot of information to share and there are a whole lot of us that are ready and eager to learn what you have to teach. Great Job!
